dinsdag 21 juli 2009

To touch or not to touch

Telephones with touchscreens, hype, or useful? I've used a touch enabled smartphone for about a year now. I must say, there are definitely good features of it, like browsing, watching photos etc. The biggest problem for me however is to use that gdamn 'virtual keyboard', and virtual it is! For me it's not anywhere near the experience of a physical keyboard...

Ever since my HTC Touch Pro broke down I had to go back to my good old HTC S710. No touchscreen, small resolution. What a drawback you must think. What a relief, that's what I think! Allthough I miss my high-speed internet connection and a bigger screen would not be too much luxuriance. It still fulfills most of my needs, with a lot less frustration!

Sometimes I wonder, will there ever be a perfect(smart)phone on the market. One that has everything and still has a good interface. Maybe I found one, just maybe... Lately my eye fell on the Palm Pre, hardware keyboard, OS looks very nice. Hopefully this will be a big step closer to the 'perfect' phone! Can't wait for it to arrive in Europe (and hopefully not a single operator deal...).

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