maandag 24 mei 2010

Belparkeren Alarm

Just launched a new Android app which can save some money. It's currently only available for the Dutch market.

This app automatically sets an alarm when you called one of the following 'belparkeren' providers:


The alarm currently has a fixed length of 1 hour, after that a notification will be shown with sound and vibrate enabled. When selecting the notification you get the option to snooze.

maandag 10 mei 2010

Missed Call Volume Control

Imagine you are a sleep, Mr. Sandman just passed by and then .... 'RIIING!'. It can be that you woke up, but even worse, Mr. Sandman can be so shocked he might never come back!

To avoid these awkward situations you can set your ringer volume to a low level and just install my new 'Missed Call Volume Control' app. This app increases the volume after every missed call. Why? My phylosofie is that I should only be waked when it's important. When it's really really important someone will not give up after just one call.

Is it just that? Yes, very simple but effective!

Current options in 1.0.1:
  • Automatic Startup, lets the application start as a backgroud service automatically on boot.
  • Show Volume Slider, shows the slider when the application changes the volume.
  • Vibrate After Calls Missed, starts vibrating after the amount of selected missed calls. 0 = no change to the vibrate setting.
  • Volume Increase Type, select Slow / Medium / Fast to influence how fast the volume is increased. Slow will increase with 1 step after each missed call, medium increases with 2 steps, fast with 3 steps.
The app is downloadable from the Android market. For convenience you can just scan this QR code:

vrijdag 23 april 2010

Bye bye Hero, welcome Desire.

Last month I updated my mobile pc. I was using the HTC Hero for about 9 months now. And now HTC gave birth to a fantastic new smartphone, the HTC Desire. After watching some video reviews on YouTube I knew it. I had to get one!

Don't get me wrong, the HTC Hero was / is a good smartphone too. Certainly since I was running the Villain 2.2. Roms by @nprussell. The Hero was my first experience with Android coming from Windows mobile. This was quite a relieve as you can read in my other posts. I just wanted to get even more out of the Android possibilities and I thought the Desire was the perfect device for that.

Just to give you a short impression of my experiences so far:

- Speed
- Responsive
- Screen
- Camera

- No decent IPSEC/IKE vpn client yet

Buying a new smartphone twice a year is bad, hmmkay!