Like you could see in my previous post, I'm a happy owner of the HTC Hero Android smartphone. The only thing I still miss sometimes is native bluetooth support. Why oh why do I have to root my Android and BUY some app named Bluex to enable bluetooth file transfer (or
OBEX). In my opinion it's quite sad that a lot of users are complaining about this, and still there is no 'fix'. Before Android 1.6 this was already an issue in the top of complaints lists. In the meanwhile we have had Android 1.6, no fix, now we get 2.0, but unfortunately no fix...
I have no clear idea to why this has not been implemented, are there any licenses maybe? Or is it just ignorance from the Android developers? I guess we'll have to wait until Android 5.0 comes alive, in the meanwhile I'll just have to live with the fact that there still is not one perfect telephone (although it comes close :))